Parenting Your Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner – How Homeschool Parents Can Make The Difference

Parenting Your Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner – How Homeschool Parents Can Make The Difference

For the parents of bright right brain kinesthetic learners voucher programs, like the Florida Empowerment Scholarship are opening up opportunities to:

  • Learn more about your child’s strengths, challenges and present level of performance
  • Invest in programs that can significantly improve your child’s reading fluency, reading comprehension, math skills, executive functions skills and so much more — with voucher program funding.
Note, with Zoom and our Coral Springs Learning Center, we are able to help students around the state and country.

Parenting a right brain kinesthetic learner can be frustrating and rewarding.  Specifically:

  • The right brain kinesthetic learner often struggles with:
    • Sounding out words
    • Understanding what small words mean (e.g. where, the, but, except)
    • Recognizing words they have seen and not mastered
    • Reading fluency and reading comprehension
    • Visual processing 
    • Executive function issues, where students often have a sea of strengths and challenges, including:
      • -An uncanny ability to remember what they see and experience
      • -Difficulty remembering what they hear or see
      • -Processing video games quickly, but reading slowly
      • -Being able to hyper focus on what they love and having difficulty paying attention to tight which is boring

These students often have some and occasionally all of the following

  • They are a right brain kinesthetic learner
  • They often have visual processing issues
  • They frequently have attention, working memory, and/or processing issues
  • They may have dyslexia

Many students are right brain kinesthetic learners who can make significant gains in months, when one capitalizes on their strengths, identifies and addresses their challenges and boost their self-esteem.


In 2023-24 Many Parents Are Leveraging Vouchers
to Make The Difference


What is new in Florida and in other states is that;

  • Programs like the Florida Empowerment Scholarship have been expanded to cover students with disabilities and all other students
  • As a result of school closures during the pandemic, many kids have fallen a lot further behind
  • Many parents are continuing to homeschool and …
  • There is a significant increase in the number of parents who want to use this next school year to have their child make significant progress

3D Learner has been helping voucher students in Florida for years and last year helped voucher students in Utah and Alaska.  These new vouchers provide parents with significant funding that can really make the difference.

We have helped homeschool students who are 6 to 20 years old.

We will be conducting a webinar on
Thursday September 7th at 8:30 pm

To register click on “Helping Your Homeschool Child Succeed”. 

Note, while our specialty is helping bright right brain kinesthetic learners succeed, this webinar will be helpful for any parent who wants to help their child to make significant gains in the next 4 to 6 months.

We will be discussing:

  1. How we shift from a disability focus to what your child is good at
  2. Why bright right brain kinesthetic learners can struggle with traditional homeschooling
  3. How these bright right brain kinesthetic learners can succeed in months
  4. How one can assess for success to better understand your child’s strengths, challenges and present level of performance
  5. What is possible to achieve in 4 to 6 months
  6. How programs like the Florida Empowerment Scholarship can be used to make the difference
  7. How are team helps parents to navigate the bureaucracy and make it work

If you would like to speak with us directly, you can reach us at 561-361-7495

For The Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner Private Schools Offer Advantages, but There Are Risks

For The Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner Private Schools Offer Advantages, but There Are Risks

Most smart struggling students are right brain kinesthetic learners, who learn best when they see and experience information.

For the right brain kinesthetic learner, private schools offer real advantages:

  • Many have smaller class size
  • Some have more hands-on activities, like labs
  • Music and other programs may be stronger
  • There are often fewer children with behavior issues — some private schools try to screen out these kids and when behavior issues do occur, the private schools may be less tolerant of these issues, and may ask the parents to find a different school for their child
  • Private school staffs may have more time to work with collaborative parents, 
  • Some offer specialized tutoring — which often helps with reading fluency — how well a student reads out loud.

The three biggest challenges we see with private schools, especially in Florida, include:

  • The problems with reading comprehension, math and writing often persist and may widen.
  • Many private schools do not offer additional tutoring, and when they do, they are either:
    • More focused on reading fluency and do not teach the way a bright right brain kinesthetic learner learns best and/or
    • They may be expensive.
  • Private school demand is higher than at any point in recent times. due to an expanded voucher program.

This blog post has three key themes:

  1. Collaboration with private school is much more likely to succeed than confrontation
  2. If you suspect your child is a right brain kinesthetic learner, there is real value in Assessing for Success
  3. If your child is a lot smarter than present results would indicate, there is real value in considering a Transformational Program that could generate significant gains for your child within months

If we can help in any way, feel free to call us at 561-361-7495.


Collaboration is the Key


Already this school year, we have had parents complain and express their frustration that:

  • Their child who has been in a specific private school for years was still way below grade level.
  • For a couple of parents whose child has just enrolled in a private school, they are frustrated that the Special Education protections their child had in a public or charter school are no longer present.
  • Their child’s school does not have the programs to close the gap for their child.

All these challenges are real.  Specifically:

–  Assessments done by psychologists and learning centers like 3D Learner expose reading comprehension and other gaps that were not apparent to the family.  Note, in the post pandemic era, we are seeing public, charter, private and homeschool students who are a lot smarter than present results would indicate and who are much further below grade level than what we were seeing a few years ago.

– IDEA Protections provided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act do not cover private school students

–  Private school programs to help struggling readers are often focused on reading fluency

To make matters more challenging for parents, the demand for private school, especially in states like Florida with an expanded voucher program, far exceeds the seats available.

We strongly recommend parents work with private schools in a collaborative way. We have helped a number of private school parents to partner with private schools to resolve the situation.

If you would like a no cost conversation, call us at 561-361-7495


Outside Assessments Can Really Help


Three very common challenges we are seeing in students include:

  • Many are bright right brain kinesthetic learners, and the parents were not aware of the benefits and challenges this presents.  Click here for our screening tool focused on:

 “Is my child a right brain kinesthetic learner

  • Many of the students we see have a visual processing issue.  Click here for screening tool focused on:

Does my child have a visual processing issue

  • Reading comprehension gaps are often larger than parents thought they were.

At 3D Learner, we often start the process with parents by discussing a parent’s concerns and if appropriate, discuss how we might assess for success.


If you would like a no cost conversation, call us at 561-361-7495


3D Learner Offers Transformation Learning Program
that Can Change a Child’s Life


Two cases highlight what is possible:

A rising third grader was almost retained at a good private school.  The parents got a private evaluation from a psychologist. The psychologist recommended a dyslexia treatment and ADHD medication.  

Mom called a friend who asked her a few questions.  When it became clear the young lady was a hands-on learner, the friend recommended she call 3D Learner.

Mom called us and it was quite clear after a few minutes that her daughter:

  • Was a right brain kinesthetic learner who learned best when she saw and experienced information
  • Had a combination of attention, anxiety and related challenges
  • Was really struggling at private school.

The next step was to do an assessment.

Our assessment:

  • Confirmed her daughter was a right brain kinesthetic learner with an attention and anxiety challenge.
  • Showed a visual processing issue, where her daughter skipped words and lines when reading.
  • Showed her daughter read slowly and was 1.5 years below grade level in reading comprehension.

With our help

—Her daughter improved her reading comprehension to a year above grade level.

—Attention and anxiety issues were neutralized.

—Spelling scores went from 50 and 55 to 90s, 95s and 100s, with weekly spelling time reduced from 3.5 hours per week to under an hour.  As her father said, what was even more amazing was she remembered the words a year later

—She went from a reluctant reader to the most prolific reader in her class.  She read 720 pages in a month, when the average student in her class read 185 pages. Dad asked her how this happened, and she said, “3D Learner taught me how to visualize what I was reading and reading became fun”.

Another parent was told to not even consider a college prep private school.  Despite a gifted IQ, mom was told to lower her expectations for college.  The psychologist had recommended two more dyslexia treatments.  Mom asked if there was an alternative program that taught the way her child learned.  3D Learner was recommended.  We were able to help her son, who later became valedictorian at this prestigious private school and later graduated from Harvard.  Mom was asked what made the difference and she said, “You changed his attitude and that made 90 percent of the difference”, Kim F, Parkland.

Note, even gifted right brain kinesthetic learners struggle to reach their potential.  It is not uncommon for them to excel in certain areas and to struggle with reading comprehension, working memory, processing speed and self-confidence issues.

If you would like a no cost conversation, call us at 561-361-7495 

Parenting Tips for Public and Charter School Parents, Especially if Your Child is a Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner

Parenting Tips for Public and Charter School Parents, Especially if Your Child is a Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner

Right brain kinesthetic learners face huge risks this school year.  Many teachers will be new, schools may be understaffed, and special educators may be overwhelmed.  In this blog, we will discuss:

How to expedite a special education evaluation
Why and how to improve an IEP
Why more may be necessary to have your child reach his or her potential.

Note, many public and charter schools have invested in dyslexia treatments. This will help student’s reading fluency, but it often does not significantly improve reading comprehension.

We have had parents who asked their child’s school to evaluate their child for special education services.  We have heard many excuses, with the most common being, we need to complete the RTI or Response to Intervention Process first — some schools now refer to this as MTSS, or Multi-tiered System of Support.

This is not acceptable.  Back in 2011, Dr. Melody Musgrove, the Federal Director of the Office of Special Education Programs, developed a policy that “RTI Cannot Be Used to Delay or Deny an Evaluation”.  Click on this link and you will get a more in-depth discussion of this issue, a copy of Dr. Musgrove’s letter.  RTI Cannot Be Used to Delay or Deny an Evaluation “.  Here is a link to a sample letter you can tailor to your situation. We have used this hundreds of times and it works virtually every time.  Mary used this note and made sure to give her informed consent for an evaluation.  It was approved 1 week later, the evaluation was completed, and an IEP was developed within 60 days.  It is doable.

Most Individualized Education Plans or IEPs we read anger us.  There has been a trend to focus on reading fluency, how well a student reads out loud, and even when there are reading comprehension goals, they rarely close the gap.

Let’s take the case of Alex.  He was a 6th grader.  His IEP said he was reading at the 5th grade level.  His homework, which should have been taking an hour, was now taking 3 hours and sometimes more.

When we assessed his reading comprehension, we found his reading comprehension was at the 3rd grade level.  For comprehension, his goal was to answer who, what, where, why and how questions correctly 4 out of 5 times at his independent reading level.  

Mom asked for an interim IEP meeting and asked the school to evaluate his reading fluency and his reading comprehension.  The school assessment showed his reading fluency and reading comprehension were at the 5th and 3rd grade levels respectively.  Mom got an interim IEP and they adjusted his reading comprehension goal to make 1.5 grade level improvement in a year.  


For The Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner, Schools Rarely Address 5 Key Issues 

While reading fluency has gotten a great deal of attention with the focus on dyslexia, 3 issues that are often not addressed in a comprehensive way include:

  • Reading comprehension.  Note, if a student is 3 years below grade level and over the next year they improve their reading comprehension 1.5 grade levels, they will still be 2.5 years below grade level.
  • Vocabulary.  The right brain kinesthetic learner often does not master vocabulary the way schools teach.  Looking up the definition, writing the word and using flash cards to master the words rarely helps the right brain kinesthetic learner.
  • Executive function issues are often identified but not addressed.  We have seen students who have IEPs for years where.
    • Attention continues to be a major issue
    • They have an excellent visual memory, but have great difficulty remembering what they hear or read
    • They read very slowly
  • Visual processing issues often get worse as the words get smaller.  This may result in skipping words and lines when reading, making careless mistakes in math and having difficulty copying off the board.
  • Too often the right brain kinesthetic learners are both frustrated and anxious. 


At 3D Learner, our goals often include:

  • Targeted efforts to improve reading fluency, based on the specific needs of a student.
  • Improving reading comprehension by 2, 3 and even 4 grade levels within 4 to 6 months.
  • Significantly improving vocabulary, first with a focus on the small words that often confuse a right brain kinesthetic learner.
  • Identifying and addressing the relevant executive function and/or visual processing issues.
  • Lowering anxiety and frustration, while boosting self-confidence.

If we can help in any way, call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to
schedule a conversation.

Sample Letter to Share with a Teacher if your child is a right brain kinesthetic learner

Sample Letter to Share with a Teacher if your child is a right brain kinesthetic learner

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I hope this note finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to provide you with some insights into my learning style and preferences as a student. I am a right brain kinesthetic learner, which means that I have unique strengths and challenges that might affect my learning experience in the classroom.

  • Hands-On Learning: I thrive when I can engage in hands-on activities and experiences. Interactive projects, experiments, and practical demonstrations are fantastic ways for me to grasp and retain information effectively.
  • Movement and Exploration: I learn best when I am allowed to move around and explore my environment. Incorporating movement-based activities, such as games that involve physical actions, can greatly enhance my learning experience.
  • Creativity and Imagination: My right brain dominance fuels my creativity and imagination. Encouraging artistic endeavors, storytelling, and imaginative tasks will enable me to express myself and understand concepts more deeply.
  • Attention Span: I might struggle with sitting still for extended periods. It could be helpful to incorporate short breaks or movement-based transitions to help me refocus and maintain my attention.
  • Sequential Processing: I might find it challenging to follow strict step-by-step instructions. Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable parts and using visual aids can assist me in understanding and completing assignments. I’m a “big picture” learner. I need to have an idea of what the end product looks like. Modeling lessons really helps.
  • Verbal Instructions: I may not fully grasp concepts if they are solely explained verbally. Providing visual aids, diagrams, or practical examples can greatly enhance my understanding of complex ideas. If I tell you “I don’t understand“ something, please rephrase it so I get a better picture in my head. Remember- it takes me a little more time to process information because I have to “download a picture” to understand what I need to do.
  • Organization: Keeping track of materials and assignments might be difficult for me. Providing clear organizational tools, such as visual schedules or color-coded instructions, can help me stay on track. Having my own visual schedule will help. Helping me with my planner would be appreciated. Sometimes just writing/copying what the assignments are is stressful. I can do the work, but writing all the assignments can be difficult. We can work on that together this year. 

I am excited about the upcoming school year and eager to learn in a way that suits my unique learning style. By incorporating a variety of kinesthetic and creative teaching strategies, I believe we can make the learning process engaging and enjoyable for me.

Thank you for taking the time to understand my learning style better. I’m looking forward to a productive and successful year in your classroom.


[Student’s Name] [Student’s Signature, if applicable]

Parenting Your Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner. The Value of Assessing for Outrageous Success

Parenting Your Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner. The Value of Assessing for Outrageous Success

Parenting a right brain kinesthetic learner can be rewarding and incredibly frustrating.  We lived through years of frustration, before we realized our daughter was a right brain kinesthetic learner who could do far better with a hands-on and engaging learning process I developed.  We have helped thousands of other right brain kinesthetic learners to be far more successful than even their parents thought possible.  Our assessment process is designed to both identify your child’s learning style, their strengths and their challenges and their present level of performance – especially for reading fluency and reading comprehension.  After our assessment, we then discuss with parents their child’s unique profile, and what we think is possible with a tailored program for your child.

We start with four key thoughts:

  • Probably 75 to 85 percent of the smart struggling students are a right brain kinesthetic learner who can do far better when they are taught to their strengths
  • Too often assessments focus on one area or the student’s challenges.  We have found there is tremendous value in identifying the right brain kinesthetic learner and in identifying whether they have a visual processing issue, executive function issues and/or dyslexia.  We also know that reading fluency is used as a barometer of reading skill. We believe it is critical to assess for both reading fluency and reading comprehension.
  • Informed, empowered and proactive parents can and often do make the difference.
  • Comprehensive assessment can help you understand your child’s strengths, challenges and how you can make the difference.

Note, the 3D Learner Assessment can be completed live in either our Coral Springs, Florida, or Durham, NC locations or via zoom.

If you would like to discuss your specific situation and whether your child might be a right brain kinesthetic learner, you can either:
–  Call us at 561-361-7495 or click on
–  Schedule a conversation to find a mutually agreeable time 

Most of our students are bright right brain kinesthetic learners, who learn best when they see and experience information.  These students often:

  • Are a lot smarter than present results would indicate
  • Benefit from special education and tutoring, which are both helpful, but rarely help the student to reach his or her full potential
  • Have some combination of visual processing, auditory processing and/or executive function challenges
  • Have dyslexia, but not always.  About 33% of our students have dyslexia
  • Can make far greater progress within months if their parents invest in a program that:
    • Leverages their strengths and engages them
    • Identifies and addresses their challenges
    • Has a clear understanding of the present level of performance on key items.  
    • Is tailored for their child. Every child is unique, and their learning style plays a crucial role in shaping their educational journey. Among the different learning styles, right brain kinesthetic learners stand out as individuals who absorb information best through hands-on experiences and visual aids. In this article, we’ll explore why it’s essential to assess the strengths and challenges of right brain kinesthetic learners, particularly concerning visual processing issues, executive function issues, and dyslexia. By understanding their learning profile, we can design a tailored program that nurtures their abilities for a successful learning experience.


Unraveling the Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner

The right brain kinesthetic learner is characterized by a preference for tactile experiences, physical movement, and visual learning. These learners thrive in an interactive environment, where they can touch, explore, and manipulate objects to understand concepts better. Identifying this learning style ASAP can significantly impact a child’s educational progress.  Note, we did not get it right until 11th grade.  It did help our daughter to improve her reading comprehension 4.2 grade levels in 7 months and improve her GPA from a 2.7 to a 4.4.  Note, the earlier the better, but it is never too late.

The Power of Assessing Strengths

Assessing a right brain kinesthetic learner’s strengths is the first step toward unlocking their potential. You want to identify areas where the child excels. Whether it’s artistic abilities, strong spatial awareness, or exceptional hand-eye coordination, recognizing these strengths can pave the way for a personalized learning approach.  The questions we ask and the Structure of Intellect Assessment ® we use helps us to identify how your child learns best.  A Boca Raton Principal commented, “I really liked the Structure of Intellect Assessment; why did we stop using it?”.  Her special education specialist said that the government requires us to label a child and the SOI Assessment does not label a child.  The SOI helps to tailor a program to meet the child’s needs, which is why 3D Learner uses it.

Understanding Visual Processing Issues

Visual processing issues can affect a right brain kinesthetic learner’s ability to comprehend visual information efficiently. These learners may struggle with tasks that involve reading, interpreting diagrams, or following instructions with visual cues. Identifying and addressing visual processing challenges early can lead to targeted interventions and improved learning outcomes.  We use a Visagraph to show how a student’s eyes track.  Here is a video that shows a student’s tracking before and after our program.  We find a significant visual processing issue in close to 70 percent of our students.  

Navigating Executive Function Issues

Executive function issues can pose additional obstacles for right brain kinesthetic learners. These cognitive processes are responsible for organization, time management, and impulse control. When executive functions are weak, students may face difficulties in planning, initiating tasks, and staying focused. Implementing strategies to bolster executive functions can support the learner in managing academic responsibilities effectively.  Note, we use the Mindprint Assessment ® developed by the University of Pennsylvania to assess Executive Function Skills for students reading at the 2nd grade level or higher.  We also use the Interactive Metronome ® to assess for attention.  This is an excellent tool to show an attention issue, and it is very effective at improving attention.

The Impact of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects reading and language processing. For right brain kinesthetic learners with dyslexia, traditional reading approaches may not yield the desired results. Recognizing the presence of dyslexia is vital for providing appropriate accommodations, such as alternative reading methods, assistive technologies, and specialized tutoring.  We use the CORE Assessment, which is part of the University of Florida’s UFLI Program ® we are certified to provide.

Designing a Program for Success

By acknowledging the strengths, visual processing issues, executive function issues, and dyslexia in a right brain kinesthetic learner, parents and educators can design a comprehensive program tailored to their specific needs. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Incorporate hands-on activities and visual aids into lessons to enhance learning engagement.
  • Use technology and interactive learning tools to support comprehension and retention.
  • Provide a structured and organized learning environment to address executive function challenges.
  • Seek support from educators, specialists, and support groups to develop targeted interventions for dyslexia.

The Value of Assessing for Success

Recognizing and understanding the learning style of a right brain kinesthetic learner is crucial for their educational success. By assessing their strengths, visual processing issues, executive function issues, and dyslexia, parents and our team can create a personalized program that nurtures their unique abilities and helps overcome challenges. Through a tailored approach, we can empower your child to thrive academically and develop a lifelong love for learning.

Note, the 3D Learner Assessment can be done live in either our Coral Springs, Florida, or Durham, NC locations or done via zoom. 

If you would like to discuss your specific situation and whether your child might be a right brain kinesthetic learner, you can either:
–  Call us at 561-361-7495 or click on
–  Schedule a conversation to find a mutually agreeable time 

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