Transformational Summer Programs to Improve Reading Fluency and Comprehension

For 27 years, 3D Learner has offered summer programs to improve student’s reading fluency, reading comprehension and to instill a love for reading. Our expertise is helping the right brain neurodivergent learner to leverage their visualization skills to make significant gains in months.


Kids exclaim “I’m a READER!” – building confidence.  One third grader went from the lowest reading group, to being an avid reader and to the highest reading group in her fourth grade class. Her father asked her how that happened.  She commented, “3D Learner taught me to visualize what I read, do you know how cool that is”.


3D Learner has helped students to make dramatic gains in 4 to 6 months including:

  • A second grader, who went from the Kindergarten level to comprehending at the second-grade level in 4 months and she improved her reading comprehension to the 3rd grade level in 7 months. She also started to read chapter books on her own for the first time — completing 23 books in 7 months.  Her attention, dancing and self-esteem were significantly better
  • A third grader improved his reading comprehension 3 grade levels in a year and his teacher said he made more significant gains than anyone she had seen in 27 years
  • A fifth grader improved her reading comprehension 4 grade levels in 6 months, doubled her reading speed and cut her homework time in half — from 2.5 to 1.25 hours.  It now only required 15 minutes from mom vs 2.5 hours previously — saving mom over 10 hours a week
  • A ninth grader improved his reading comprehension 4 grade levels in 3 months, increased his reading speed by 80 percent and wound up getting full scholarships to college

If you would like to discuss your specific situation, your child’s present situation and how we can help, you can either call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a Stress to Outrageous Success Conversation.

3D Learner has extended our summer programs to include:

  • The 3D Learner Assessment (™). Prior testing has often helped to identify a reading problem and may have identified your child with dyslexia and often executive function challenges.  We focus on 5 key factors
    • Our kids often learn best when they see and experience information.  They are often right brain neurodivergent learners, but this has rarely been identified.  We assess how your child learns best and where they might struggle.  If your child is a right brain neurodivergent learner, we explain why this might have historically led to learning challenges, and how we leverage this skill to improve reading comprehension and a love for learning.
    • Visual processing issues impact over 70 percent of our students and are often never identified or addressed.  If an issue exists, we explain it to you and we share how it can be improved.
    • Executive function issues impact more of our students.  That is, a combination of attention, working memory, processing speed and/or planning issues.  We identify both your child’s executive function strengths and challenges,
    • Does your child have dyslexia and what are the specific issues that need to be addressed
    • Anxiety has become a major issue.  We discuss how this can be addressed.

Our students are often right brain, kinesthetic and neurodivergent learners with a combination of visual and auditory processing and/or executive function challenges and they may have dyslexia and anxiety issues

Our assessment includes:

  • The Structure of Intellect Assessment ® that shows how your child learns best, where they struggle and where they excel – a principal commented that the SOI assessment was the best assessment tool they ever used.  Her special education professional responded, “The problem is it does not label a child which is required for special education and 3D Learner uses it correctly to tailor a program to meet the student’s needs
  • A visual screening tool to identify visual processing issues
  • The Mindprint Assessment ® to identify executive function strengths and challenges
  • The Core Assessment that is part of the UFLI Dyslexia Program ® developed by the University of Florida. This allows us to screen for dyslexia and target our efforts
  • A Woodcock Johnson Reading Comprehension ® Assessment that allows us to assess your child’s present reading comprehension level
  • A debrief that allows you to understand your child’s strengths and challenges and their present level of reading comprehension and how we can help your child succeed  


Our traditional 30-hour 3D Learner Program ® is an integrated, engaging and effective program that is significantly different than others, because:

  • We first and foremost leverage our student’s strengths.  This accelerates progress and builds self confidence
  • Based on our assessment, we individualize the program to meet the student’s needs
  • We address 7 key issues
    • Phonics, phonemic awareness and decoding skills
    • Building vocabulary – especially for high frequency words that do not generate a picture
    • Teaching students to improve their reading comprehension with a strength-based approach.  We also strive to instill a love for reading and a love for learning
    • Addressing the visual processing issues that are present in over 70 percent of our students
    • Addressing attention, working memory and processing speed issues, where needed
    • Lowering anxiety and improving confidence and self-esteem


A new comprehensive 60-hour program that is designed to help the student who has significant upside potential and would benefit from an effort that works more intensively on improving the relevant challenges (e.g. attention, working memory, processing speed and visual processing), and is designed to significantly improve reading fluency, reading comprehension and instill a love for learning


A Group Summer Learning Program that can improve reading fluency, reading comprehension, and math skills while instilling a love for learning, for students needing to improve their skills, but not needing the 1-on-1 program.  This is for all students  seeking enrichment this summer.


Summer Group Learning Program

Over a 6-week period, this program is designed to improve student’s reading fluency, reading comprehension and math skills.  This program will meet twice a week for 6 weeks for an hour.

Small group for:                             

Rising first graders

2nd-3rd grade

4-5th grade 

  • Groups are forming now to start June 24th  
  • Live groups available in the Durham, NC area 
  • Active Zoom sessions will be available for kids nationwide.

Please contact us for more information at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a Stress to Outrageous Success Conversation.


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