5 Parenting Travel Tips for Your Bright Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner

Right brain kinesthetic learners are often fun loving kids.  The challenge is that anxiety, difficulty handling change, and the inevitable bumps in the road can negatively impact your vacation.  Below are 5 tips to have the best possible vacation.

1- Presell the trip using a combination of visuals, YouTube videos and whatever works.  The right brain kinesthetic learner thrives on knowing what to expect and often resists when they do not know what to expect.

2- Involve them in the planning, where appropriate.  You may be going to a lake, and what they want to do most is kayak.  Knowing that really helps

3- Discuss the fact that airplane delays, traffic jams and long lines are very common this time of year.  Discuss what they can bring with them to manage what otherwise could be a frustrating time.

4- Layout a visual schedule for each day.   The right brain kinesthetic learner often relaxes when they know what to expect.  If appropriate, involve them in discussions when plans change.

5- If your child gets tired, dehydrated and/or hungry, easily, schedule some downtime, make sure they drink water regularly and make sure you have healthy snacks.


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