3D Learner Helps Neurodivergent Learners Nation & Worldwide

3D Learner offers a tailored, integrated, engaging and effective option that has helped thousands of neurodivergent, right brain and kinesthetic learners from 46 states and 13 other countries.

As Dr. Linda Silverman, the Director of the Gifted Development Center in Denver Colorado said,

”Your program is what many gifted students who learn differently need.  I recommend many of the components you use, but you are the first professionals who have so effectively integrated them with your very unique and effective learning system.”

Many smart struggling students get identified with dyslexia, a learning disability, ADHD, and/or Executive Function challenges.

What is often missed is that a large number of these students are neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learners.  These students have a sea of strengths and challenges that may include:

  • A neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learner who learns best when they see and experience information
  • Struggling with phonics, phonemic awareness and/or reading fluency – -may be dyslexia
  • Able to focus on that which is interesting and have difficulty paying attention to that which is boring – they may or may not have ADHD.
  • Able to remember what they see and experience and have a working memory challenge for what they hear or read
  • Slow processors.  Processing speed is often a problem that hampers their standardized test scores and frustrated parents and teachers, who expect your child to respond quicker
  • Anxiety and frustration
  • Suffering from intervention fatigue.  They need something different

We recognize that our parents live in many different places and want a program that will work for both their child and them.  In this blog post, we share:


3D Learner Options

3D Learner offers parents several unique options including:

  • Coming for a one-week intensive program followed up with 10 hours via zoom.  We have had students come from California, New York, Texas and many other states — as well as hosting students from 13 other countries.
  • For students who live closer, but not close to our office (e.g. elsewhere in Florida, Maryland, New Jersey), students have come for 3 days of intensive training, followed up with 2 days of intensive training 4 to 8 weeks later.  We then can do the appropriate follow-up via zoom.
  • We have traveled to other places to do training for multiple clients – with Singapore being the place we traveled the furthest.
  • We have also helped students solely via zoom – -which works well for some students – although we do prefer a live option.  Note, for the very busy parents where travel is not an option, our program may be far better than local options.

If you have a neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learner and want to discuss the options, call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a Let’s Discuss Creating a Pathway to Success for Your Child.

Here is a screening tool you can use to see if your child is probably a neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learner.  We recommend doing this with your child – -their answers may surprise you. 

Note, we have had students make dramatic gains including:

  • A rising 5th grader from Texas who improved her reading comprehension by 4 grade levels in 6 months, while doubling her reading speed and cutting homework time in half.
  • A 7th grader from the State of Washington improved his reading comprehension by 3 grade levels in 5 months and made great strides in all his subjects.
  • A student from St Petersburg, FL, went from a C- student to an A student and her ulcer disappeared.

If you have a neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learner and want to discuss the options, call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a Let’s Discuss Creating a Pathway to Success for Your Child.


3D Learner — Helping Neurodivergent, Right Brain and Kinesthetic Learners Go From Stress to Success in Months

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