The Interactive Metronome ®, Heart Math ® and the Safe and Sound Protocol ® Can Significantly Improve Attention and Lower Anxiety

The Interactive Metronome ®, Heart Math ® and the Safe and Sound Protocol ® Can Significantly Improve Attention and Lower Anxiety

The Interactive Metronome (IM), HeartMath, and the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) are three distinct therapeutic approaches that improve attention and motor planning and reduce anxiety for our students.


While we use the Interactive Metronome, Heart Math and the Safe and Sound Protocol as an integral part of the 3D Learner Program ®, we also provide it for students where the primary issues are attention, motor planning and anxiety.


Interactive Metronome (IM)

  • IM is a therapeutic program that involves synchronized timing with a computer-generated beat. It aims to improve timing, attention, coordination, and processing speed through repetitive exercises.
  • We have helped over 2000 students with the Interactive Metronome.  In addition to improving attention, coordination and processing speed it improves:
    • Reading and math fluency
    • Handwriting
    • Sports skills
  • It also reduces impulsivity and hyperactivity

Parents have used this both to reduce the dosage of medication and instead of medication.   

Click here to see how this works, the story behind this invention and what we do to maximize results.



  • HeartMath is a program designed to help individuals regulate their emotions and reduce stress by promoting coherence between the heart rate variability (HRV) and the breathing rhythm.
  • Techniques taught in HeartMath involve rhythmic breathing exercises and focusing on positive emotions to shift into a state of coherence, which is associated with reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Some research suggests that HeartMath techniques can lead to improvements in emotional regulation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. 


Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

  • SSP is a sound-based therapy developed to regulate the autonomic nervous system and improve social engagement by exposing individuals to specially filtered auditory stimuli.
  • It involves listening to specially processed music designed to stimulate the middle ear muscles, which may help regulate the nervous system’s response to stress and increase social engagement.
  • We have found SSP to help all our students


The Interactive Metronome, HeartMath and the Safe and Sound Protocol are offered separately, are used in combination where attention, anxiety and motor planning are the key issues, or as three elements included as part of programs like our 3D Learner Program. 

If you would like to discuss this further, call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a how to improve attention and motor planning, while reducing anxiety conversation


Note, the Interactive Metronome, HeartMath and the Safe and Sound Protocol are dependent on the quality of the provider. 3D Learner has had success with all these tools, and we have seen the greatest benefits when they are used together. We provide all these services both at our Coral Springs FL location and via zoom
The 3D Learner Program ® for Neurodivergent, Right Brain and Kinesthetic Learners From All Over the US and Beyond

The 3D Learner Program ® for Neurodivergent, Right Brain and Kinesthetic Learners From All Over the US and Beyond

(Often Students Have Been Diagnosed with Dyslexia, ADHD and/or Executive Function Challenges)

3D Learner has helped hundreds of students from 40 different states and 12 foreign countries.  These students often were identified with dyslexia, ADHD or executive function issues.  Their parents were delighted to find a strength-based program that could teach to their child’s strengths, engage their child and result in significant gains in months.

Within our practice, we call these students a 3D Learner, that is they think in pictures and often in 3 dimensions.  From a diagnostic standpoint, one might call them neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learners.


7 Keys to the Success of our 3D Learner Students From Outside Our Area

  • Very few programs focus on the strengths of these students.  Note, while we might use more common terms like neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learners in describing these kids, when they are here we use the term GOLD Student — Gifted Operating with a Learning Difference.  Their gift is they learn differently and can do far better with a hands-on visual approach
  • We assess for and address dyslexia, attention and executive function challenges
  • We also assess for and address visual processing issues that are often present.  These students often have excellent peripheral vision, but their eyes do not converge when reading
  • We have 26 years of successes with these students and an excellent team.  Note, the 3D Learner Program was developed by Mira Halpert for our daughter.  Mira is an experienced educator, a mom who cares and a professional who is committed to helping our students succeed
  • The parents really like the concept of an intensive effort that will help their child and them with follow up support.
  • We help parents get the help their child needs at school
  • The quality of the parents who show up.  The students we see are often much smarter than present results would indicate, the parents want their child to succeed and together, we make it happen.

If you suspect this might be your child, we recommend downloading our Is my child a neurodivergent, right brain or kinesthetic learner screening tool.  Then sit down with your child and ask them the questions.  Their answers may surprise you.


3D Learner — Intensive Live Training With On-Going Support Via Zoom

Note, initially we did the program in 5 days, with ongoing support.  The results were very good.

Then, for clients east of the Mississippi, we started offering three days one week and two days 4 to 6 weeks later, with ongoing support.  This resulted in even greater gains.

Now we offer both options, with ongoing support via zoom.

The intensive training with ongoing support works quite well, because:

  • Intensive and integrated training works well for these students
  • The parents are immersed in the process, too
  • Family bonding is fun to watch and very helpful
  • The on-gong support maximizes the benefits of the effort

How this works.

Parents often realize they have a child who is a lot smarter than present results would indicate.  Parents also recognize that they want a transformational program that:

  • Engages their child in the process with a strength-based approach
  • Can generate significant results in months
  • Addresses dyslexia, attention, visual processing and anxiety challenges
  • Helps them to be even more effective coaches and advocates
  • Can transform their child into a much more successful student, while improving their confidence, their sports ability and their attitude towards learning and their own talent


Three ways to get started with 3D Learner

Parents give us a call at 561-361-7495 for a no cost conversation on how we might be able to help their child succeed.

  • The conversation is often helpful, even if the parents do not become clients.  What happens with interested parents is we often hear:
    • You really understand my child and me
    • I now understand how you can help my child succeed
  • If the parents want to move forward, we can do an online assessment and debrief, without their having to leave home
  • If the parents want to pursue the program, we find A mutually agreeable time.


Example of our successes:

  • A third grader was diagnosed with learning disabilities, ADHD and anxiety challenges.  The initial conversation convinced mom we were the right answer.   When talking with another mom, she was even more convinced.  Her daughter was able to:
    • Go from the lowest reading group in third grade to become the best reader in her fourth grade class
    • Get homework done in less than half the time
    • Flourish as a student and become both more successful and outgoing

They did the program in two parts.


  • A 5th grader from Texas had been through a very expensive dyslexia treatment (i.e. $34000 worth) but her comprehension was still at the first grade level.   With our help, she was able to:
    • Improve her reading comprehension 4 grade levels in 6 months
    • Decrease her homework time from 2.5 hours to 1.25 hours, and do it independently, for the first time
    • Blossom as a person

They did the program in 1 week.


  • More recently, a 7th grader from the State of Washington came to South Florida. With our help, he was able to:
    • Improve his reading comprehension 4 grade levels in 6 months
    • Become a star student
    • Do his work independently.

They did the program in a week, with on-gong support via zoom.


For all our out of area clients, we now recommend blending in person work with on-going support via zoom.

If you would like to discuss how to help your right brain, kinesthetic or neurodivergent
child succeed, give us a call at 561-361-7495

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